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Download media objects

Select the objects to download. If you select an album, all items in the album are included. A ZIP file will be created that contains your objects. If you choose a large number of items, be patient while the ZIP file is built.

Select media size:

Vocabulario la clase.ppt

Las materias.ppt

dias de la semana practica.ppt

Los días de la semana.ppt

Los lugares.ppt

Vocab verbos AR.ppt

AR VERBS vocab. practica.ppt


Present tense of ESTAR FINAL.ppt

Presentacion preposiciones.ppt

question words 2.ppt

question words 3.ppt

Spanish Numbers 30-100.flv

Spanish Numbers 100+.flv

presentacion numeros1.ppt

Los dias de la semana.mp3

Presentacion gustar.ppt

Patricia los saludos.mp3

Presentation vocabulario -ar I.ppt

Presentation vocabulario -ar II.ppt

Proyecto rosa verbos en ar.mp4

Los lugares(1).ppt

Presentacion preposiciones(1).ppt

Present tense of ESTAR FINAL(1).ppt

Presentaciones ejemplo.mp3

La tomatina-_Spain.flv

Me gusta, le gusta, nos gusta.flv

numero 20.mp4

numeros 20 a 30.mp4

Presemtacon numeros.ppt

Daily Class Schedule 2012 Español.doc

Roxana gustos.m4v